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"Eco-Tours" have become popular recently. Eco-tours are intended to achieve two objectives in one tour, namely, environmental preservation and the protection of nature are incorporated in pleasure tours. These tours are contributing to the economy of developing countries; one example involves the wild lions in East Africa. A report says that one lion would earn no more than $10,000 if hunted for its fur. However, these lions would earn $500,000 or more per head if they were protected in a national park for tourists from other countries.
A typical example of rehabilitation of nature relates to the Galapagos Islands where the giant tortoise had been in danger of extinction because of a shortage of food which, in turn, had been the result of bringing cattle such as pigs and sheep onto the islands. However, the world's last vestiges of these unique zoological and botanical life forms on the virgin islands which surprised Charles Darwin have recently been successfully restored by international cooperation as part of the world's heritage.
On the other hand, caves and caverns such as stalactite caves were brought to the attention of tourists years before the current wave of consciousness to preserve nature. It is difficult for caves and caverns to meet the criteria of tourism unless facilities such as lighting, access roads, and steps inside the caves have been provided. Thus, tourism combined with nature preservation relating to caves would be the origin of an eco-tour.
One of the major experiences of my cave hunting has been the Deer Cave in East Malaysia which is known as the world's largest gun-barrel-shaped cave. It was only in 1974 that the cave was discovered deep in the forest in the State of Sarawak. In 1993 to attract tourists a wood-frame hotel with a raised floor was built by the Rihga Royal Hotel Group, and flight service on a small aircraft began being provided to carry tourists from the town of Miri in Brunei to the nearby base at Mulu. During my winter holidays in 1997 I traveled on foot through the tropical rain forest on a three-day trek to visit four caves in the area, including Asia's longest Clear-water cave, with a length of 107 kilometers. The Deer Cave is just one cave of many that have been created over a period of 2 million years by the tropical forest's heavy rains which cut the limestone into the typical geological shapes of unique karsts .
The most exciting moment I experienced on this tour was seeing a colony of a great number of bats flying out of the cave after 5:00 P.M. in a milky-way-like formation for about an hour and a half. Their number was estimated at about 3 million. Just imagine the grotesque scene of all of them hanging from the ceiling of the cave like so much moss. Caves house bats in almost all cases; however, the Deer Cave has the largest number of bats in the world since the insects they eat are abundant in the tropical rain forest surrounding the cave.
My wish to visit Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, about 240 kilometers from the city of El Paso, Texas, on the   Mexican border, was realized only as late as 1991. This cave had been recognized as the largest in the world until Deer Cave was discovered. Carlsbad was found by a cowboy in 1901. Its entrance at ground level was small, and nobody expected that it led to one of the largest caves in the world. Witnessing bats coming out of the entrance-hole led to the discovery of the cave. In 1931 an elevator was installed to to take visitors back to ground level from a depth of 200 meters. Annually about 800,000 people visit Carlsbad Caverns at present. It has been recognized that salt water containing hydrogen sulfide coming from the nearby oil and gas fields has eroded the large deposits of limestone under the ground for a long period of time.
The largest cave in Europe, the Jeskyne Balcarka Cave, lies in the Moravia Karsts north of the town of Brno in the Czech Republic. I visited it about 15 years ago. I was guided on a boat through the dark waterway and saw innumerable stalactites and stalagmites all over the place. They bore names such as the angels and Maria. Gunshots resonating loudly would scare the visitors at the end of the journey and gave me the shock of an unforgettable experience.
Zeus, the almighty god, was born in a cave according to Greek mythology, and Amaterasu the great god of Japanese mythology was an incarnation of the sun and created darkness throughout the world when he hid in a cave. For centuries caves have been objects of awe and mystery. With the use of interior electric lighting, people started enjoying dark caves free of mystery. One would be haunted by an awesome dream that a strange and entirely unknown world might still exist beyond the reach of humans, deep inside caves. Because of this dream, people like me are enticed to continue their eco-tours of caves of the world.





